Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Does LASIK Correct Myopia?

Myopia, also called nearsightedness, is a vision condition that affects approximately 30% of people in the United States. This condition makes it difficult to see objects that are far away, so corrective lenses are often prescribed to see things like white boards/SMART boards in school, televisions, movie screens or road conditions when driving.

Distant objects are difficult to see is because light is not focusing properly on the back of the eye (the retina); the cornea is too steep or the eye is too long. Light ends up focusing in front of the retina so distant objects appear blurry.

LASIK eye surgery corrects myopia by reshaping the inner layers of the cornea so light will focus on the right spot on the retina. Only a microscopic amount of tissue is reshaped using a laser, but the results can be amazing. In fact, many people achieve 20/20 vision (or better) after LASIK vision correction.

If you are nearsighted and are tired of wearing corrective lenses, look into LASIK today by scheduling a free LASIK Consultation at Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center. This Consultation will tell you if your cornea is thick enough to support this procedure or if a different procedure would be more appropriate for your eye structure and still give you the results you want. Contact us today at or 804-288-1543. 

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