Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Really is 20/20 Vision?

It’s widely known that LASIK eye surgery can give some patients 20/20 vision. But what does 20/20 vision really mean?

According to the American Optometric Association, “20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance.”

There are varying degrees of vision based on what research has shown that a “normal” person can see. Other examples include:
·         20/10 vision means that you can see at 20 feet what can normally be seen when standing 10 feet away (your vision is better than normal)
·         20/40 vision means that you have to stand 20 feet away from something to see what you should be able to see at 40 feet away (your vision is worse than normal)
·         20/100 vision means that what should be normally seen at 100 feet away requires you to stand 20 feet away to see it (your vision is poor)
·         20/200 vision is considered legal blindness in the United States

Having 20/20 vision does not mean you have perfect vision because other factors, such as peripheral vision, depth perception, color vision, eye coordination and focusing ability play into your overall visual attributes.

If you have less-than-ideal eyesight that causes you to need glasses or contacts to correct your nearsightedness (good close-up vision/bad distance vision), farsightedness (good distance vision/bad close-up vision) or astigmatism (impaired distance and close-up vision), LASIK may help correct your refractive error and put you into the “normal” 20/20 vision range. LASIK surgeons take into consideration many of your unique attributes before recommending LASIK surgery, including your overall eye health, corneal thickness and medical history. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is LASIK Different from LASEK – Or is it a Type-o?

Most people know that LASIK is a type of vision correction procedure that can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. The acronym LASEK is not a typographical error; this is actually a slightly different vision correction procedure that can produce the same results as LASIK. Patients with corneas that are too thin or steep for LASIK can benefit from the LASEK procedure.

In both procedures, a surgeon uses excimer laser energy to reshape the cornea and correct the refractive error. The main difference between LASIK and LASEK is how the surgeon gets access to the inner section of the cornea.

In LASIK, the surgeon creates a corneal flap that is folded back to perform the refractive surgery and then replaced after the procedure. In LASEK, an extremely thin portion of the outer epithelial layer of the cornea is removed with a special tool called a trephine. The refractive surgery is performed and the epithelial layer is replaced.

LASEK Recovery
Recovery from LASEK is slightly longer than with LASIK. While most LASIK patients are able to see with improved vision almost immediately and can usually drive the day following their procedure, LASEK patients may require a week to recover and will have crisp vision within several weeks. Patients can also experience slightly more discomfort with LASEK.

LASEK Advantages
While there are recovery disadvantages, there are some advantages of LASEK. The procedure allows people who were previously not suitable for LASIK to have successful vision correction procedures. LASEK involves the modification of significantly less corneal tissue, lowers the risk of dry eye after surgery and eliminates corneal flap complications. People who play contact sports may also be better suited for LASEK, as corneal strength is not compromised.

Regardless of which procedure your doctor deems prudent for your eyes, most patients can achieve 20/20 or better vision after LASIK or LASEK.

Dr. Lipstock at Lipstock Lasik & Cataract Center can determine if LASIK, LASEK or a different vision correction procedure will give you 20/20 vision. To schedule your free LASIK consultation, visit lipstocklaser.com/ or call 804 288 1543.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Give Your Valentine the Gift of 20/20 Vision

If you are searching for the perfect gift for your sweetheart, consider giving the gift of LASIK…and the possibility of 20/20 vision. Valentine’s Day is all about showing loved ones how much you care, and what better way to show your love than by arranging a free LASIK consultation?

LASIK eye surgery can correct the refractive errors that cause nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. These are the conditions that cause people to need glasses or contact lenses to see clearly. Unfortunately, not every person is a good candidate for this procedure. The only way to determine if your loved one is a good LASIK candidate is through a comprehensive consultation and eye exam by a reputable LASIK provider.

If your loved one finds out that LASIK is right for his or her eyes, you can decide together how to proceed. There are often LASIK financing options available to help pay for the procedure, which costs, on average, $1,600 - $2,500 per eye, depending on the type of technology used. Steer clear of discount LASIK providers that advertise the procedure for less than $600 per eye – these often have hidden fees, are performed with inexperienced surgeons or use outdated technologies that can lead to vision complications.

When performed by a reputable and experienced LASIK surgeon, many LASIK patients achieve 20/20 vision – or better – after the procedure, and they often experience a visual freedom they have never had in their lives. Now that’s an amazing Valentine’s Day gift!  

Of course, risks accompany any type of surgery and LASIK is no exception. Vision changes, such as halos, glare, double vision and starbursts; dry eye syndrome; vision loss and the need for glasses after LASIK are some of the risks. Discuss these complication possibilities with your LASIK provider.

Wouldn’t it be great to gaze into your sweetheart’s eyes – without looking through glasses? Contact Dr.Lipstock at Lipstock Laser & Cataract Center today to schedule a free LASIK consultation and learn about financing options to help you afford this thoughtful gift. Visit lipstocklaser.com or call 804-288-1543.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reasons for a LASIK Consultation

More than 14 million Americans have had LASIK eye surgery to correct their nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Although this procedure is typically very safe and effective, it is still important to make sure you have all of the facts about LASIK, be 100% confident in the abilities of your surgeon and have the right eye conditions for LASIK. The only way to do this is through a face-to-face LASIK consultation.

Most LASIK surgeons provide free consultations to help you determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK. This is a two-way street; you must be completely honest with the surgeon in explaining your vision expectations and your medical history. You can also determine if you feel a good rapport with the surgeon. First impressions go a long way.

During the consultation you can also discuss:
  • The surgeon’s qualifications (you can ask for patient referrals)
  • Your overall health and lifestyle choices
  • Your vision correction options (these may be different than what you expected)
  • What to expect before, during and after LASIK
  • Potential risks and complications of LASIK
  • How much LASIK will cost and what type of financing options exist

Referrals from family members, coworker or friends are beneficial when researching vision correction procedures like LASIK; however, this is not a decision to make lightly. Choose the surgeon that feels right for you.

Dr. Lipstock at Lipstock LASIK and Cataract Center offers free LASIK consultations and a free online LASIKSelf-Evaluation to take the first step in the LASIK discovery process. To schedule your consultation, visit lipstocklaser.com or call 804-288-1543.