Thursday, December 18, 2014

LASIK & Dry Eye

Dry eye can be a fairly common side effect of LASIK vision correction due to the potential for reduced sensitivity of the corneal nerves, leading to a reduction in tear production. Tears are necessary to lubricate and protect the eyes and if there is not adequate tear production, the eyes can become irritated.

Symptoms of Dry Eye
  •  Excessive eye watering
  •  Itching and burning
  •  Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Feeling of sand or grit in the eyes
  • Pain
  • Blurred vision

Dry eye after LASIK is typically temporary, but some patients can experience the symptoms of dry eye for months or years after LASIK. Lubricating eye drops can help minimize discomfort.

Some patients who have pre-existing dry eye may not be good candidates for LASIK in Richmond because the procedure might exacerbate the condition. Any existing symptoms of dry eye should be discussed with your ophthalmologist prior to having LASIK so your condition can be fully examined. Your eyes may be better suited for alternative laser vision correction procedures. Certain procedures may actually help improve pre-existing dry eye in Richmond.

Dr. Lipstock at Lipstock LASIK and Cataract Center will discuss all of the risks of LASIK, including dry eye, as well as the benefits of LASIK, during a free LASIK Consultation. He will perform a comprehensive exam to ensure that your eyes are right for the procedure. To schedule your no-obligation appointment, call 804-288-1543 or visit 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Protect Your Eyes from Winter Rays

protect your eyes

Your eyes don’t know what season it is.

Whether it’s winter, spring, summer or fall, your eyes need protection from the sun’s harmful rays.
Most people recognize the need for sunglasses during warmer months and in warmer climates. However, when the temperature starts to dip, people often assume that eye protection is no longer necessary (or even silly).

Why Winter Shades are Important
  • The sun is positioned at a lower angle in the sky during the winter, so the rays may affect the eyes more directly
  • Fresh snow reflects 80% of the sun’s UV rays, causing extreme glare (dangerous when driving, skiing, etc.)
  • Dry eye symptoms can worsen during dry winter months; wraparound sunglasses or sports goggles may help
  • Overexposure to harmful UV rays can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration in Richmond
  • Polarized, anti-reflective sunglasses can block 100% of UV radiation (ask your eye doctor for recommendations)
Another Reason for LASIK

If you are nearsighted or have astigmatism, you will need corrective lenses to see distant objects clearly; that means investing in a good pair of prescription sunglasses to wear all year long. The other option is to wear contact lenses with over-the-counter sunglasses. However, dry, cold winter air can cause eye irritations for contact wearers.

LASIK vision correction in Richmond can make wearing sunglasses in the winter:
  • More cost effective (in the long run the one-time cost of LASIK is cheaper than the ongoing expense of replacing and maintaining glasses and contacts)
  • More fashionable (because of the vast choices that exist)
  • More comfortable (no trying to fit goggles over glasses)
Wear Sunglasses All Year

Back in 1984, Corey Hart hit the music charts with his hit, “Sunglasses at Night.”

While Mr. Hart may have worn his sunglasses in the evening hours, to stress the importance of protecting your eyes against daytime winter rays, we’d change the song to “I wear my sunglasses all year…”

Sport your cool sunglasses all year long. And if you don’t want to invest in prescription sunglasses, consider having LASIK at Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center. Dr. Lipstock offers free LASIK Consultations to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure and answer all questions you may have. Contact Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center today to arrange your appointment: 804-288-1543 or

Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Reasons Your Dog Wants You to Have LASIK

lasik reasons

If you are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism, here are the reasons why:
  1. No waiting around to go on walks while you search for your glasses.
  2. No tripping over him in the middle of the night because you can’t see without your glasses.
  3. No dropping your contact lenses in his water dish.
  4. No getting in trouble for chewing up your expensive prescription sunglasses.
  5. No mistaking him for the cat because – well – they are the same size...
After a successful LASIK procedure, you might achieve 20/20 vision. That means vision without glasses to play, wrestle, cuddle and walk your dog...every day and every night.

Make your dog happy. Schedule a free LASIK Consultation at Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center today to find out if your eye anatomy and eye health is right for LASIK. If Dr. Lipstock gives you the green light and you choose to proceed with the procedure, your pooch will be happier than a poodle in a peanut butter factory